wants a gamer to play its multiplayer mode
But here are two types of achievements/trophies that I feel should not exist.1.) Multiplayer achievements/trophiesYeah, sure it's okay with replica Longines L36514966 Men's Watch games like Reach or Killzone 2 or the Left 4 Deads. They have a healthy community. But what about other games, like Assault on Dark Athena? I really liked that game and would love to have it in my complete games list, but it's never gonna happen because they put in a pile of multiplayer achievements/trophies. The multiplayer on Dark Athena will never have a community, because it's just not that good. And that's why so many games like Assault put the achievements in their multiplayer, under the misguided notion that somehow those trophies will make people play it, and thereby develop a community.
If a developer wants a gamer to play its multiplayer mode, then here's a tip: make the multiplayer worth playing for its own sake. A prime example of this is CoD 4. There were no multiplayer achievements in that game, and that was fine, because the multiplayer was rewarding in a TON of other ways (like it or not, and I don't, it was deep and rewarding replica Longines L3.643.4.96.6 Men's Watch because of its unlockables and whatnot). You could get all the achievements in the single player campaign, and that was fine. Except for one of those achievements, which is the collection of the intel, which brings me to my second point.2.) The “Hey!
Find and collect a bunch of stuff that's been left around for some reason!” achievement/trophy.Today's games offer an immersion factor the likes of which hasn't been seen before in gaming. Nothing ruins that like having to collect a bunch of flags which some bored Templar has littered the rooftops with (Assassin's Creed) or replica Longines L36474166 Men's Watch having to collect THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY BLAST SHARDS in inFamous. It's akin to putting nudity in a crappy movie; dudes will watch anything for a bit of nudity. But the thing is, it's NOT like that. All the trophies/points in the world won't make a gamer suffer through a crappy multiplayer experience.
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