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Tourmalet is where Octave Lapize first summited to put his stamp on the 1910 Tour. Vive le Tour!Today it was Team CSC that blasted the race favorites before the final 10 km of climbing, when that elite group of GC riders, the few supermen with replica Tag Heuer watches the right combination of talent and drive to even compete for the overall victory in the Tour, took over. The big loser: Alejandro Valverde, who fell out of contention, coming in 5.54 off the pace. The big winner: Cadel Evans, who takes over the yellow jersey by only one second over Frank Schleck. The surprise: Christian Vande Velde, who now has a shot at the podium, sitting third.We almost forgive you, Triki Beltran. Tomorrow, the first of two rest days.--Matthew Fishbane

If you happen to find yourself thinking is life really worth living? while traveling through the northeastern Czech Republic, have we got the sport for you!Climbers at the Adrspach-Teplice Rocks, an 11-square-mile area of phallic sandstone spires, have invented rock jumping - hurling themselves across 100-foot-deep crevasses, hoping to land on on the towel-sized summit of one of the spires. Sometimes they rope in, sometimes not, reports the replica IWC watches New York Times. Shattered ankles, fractured ribs and injured spines are the rock jumping equivalent of a scraped knee. Sound appealing, but youre not in the Czech Republic? Recreate a Bourne Identity-style rooftop chase through your nearest major city.--Emily Matchar

So much for a clean Tour. French sports daily lEquipe has reported the first confirmed positive doping test result this year. Spaniard Manuel Triki Beltran, of the Liquigas Team, tested positive for EPO after Saturdays opening stage. He will likely be ejected from the Tour, and his team will be asked to leave voluntarily, as is now customary. The Tours organizing body has yet to make a formal announcement on the case.VeloNews sums up swiss replica watches well what will soon be part of the media stir:Beltran, now 37, was at Armstrongs side during three of his successfulTour campaigns, in 2003, 2004 and 2005. In that last season, bothBeltran and Armstrong were named by L’Equipe as being among several riders whose samples from the 1999 Tour showed signs of EPO in a now-infamous retesting of six-year-old samples.Need a reason to keep watching? John Bradley made the case in our pages after Landiss superhuman Stage 17.
